
By TheBigCheese1

School Shinanigans

After a quite scary trip in to work (skidded 4x4 four times) we managed to get enough staff in to stay open. Thus we spent the first lesson back outside with the kids, snowballing, making snow sculptures and sledging down the car park. No H&S worries here! Back inside to hot chocolate, a brilliant assembly on Whales written by a couple of the pupils and a bit of work before lunch.

By now the snow was going mad, so the school had to be shut. Bearing in mind that the closure call went out at 11.50am, and we are a village school, I was still there at 1.55am due to a family who work from home (in the village) “only just getting the message”. Everyone else got it at 11.51am. I was not happy.

That resulted in a two hour trip home through the most dreadful conditions (with my little Dopski in the back of the car), we slipped, skidded, got turned around due to blocked roads and at times couldn’t see a thing through the blizzards. Thankfully we did get home in one piece.

What a day.

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