Got my new phone (new to me, Dad’s old one) back today, it’s been MIA since it was taken for a new battery yesterday. While we were waiting for it to be ready to pick up we popped into Toys’R’Us and had a browse. Bean found a trolley he rather liked the look of (a toy trolley that is) he wasn’t giving that up for anyone. So when the cashier asked if we wanted a balloon for $1 and the proceeds go to the children’s hospital I said ‘Yes please.’ Then I said to her ‘It will probably pop in the car though’ (from the heat) and she said ‘It’s quite think, it should be alright.’ I said ‘I don’t care if it pops in the car so long as we get him out without the trolley.’ And it worked! But the balloon didn’t even make it to the car before it popped...

Alas, this photo was taken with my old phone which only has the ‘selfie’ camera working hence the wonkyness.

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