
The Boss took some time off the shifting things today and went to a U3A lecture on “Art in Life”

It was, he said very good and when he got back it was on with this stuff he is doing which is bothering me so much…Mainly wrecking the house and it was during this, right after all the muttering while he put the TV back in the box that  it came in a few years ago, that he noticed all the art that had come off the walls of our lounge and was stacked by the door awaiting further instructions, and made it tonights Blip.
There is a great selection as the top bit, still on the wall, was a view of Mount Cook made from film and under that was trees from Colorado, a wolf in Yellowstone from a very dear friend in the US, an autumn tree from a local valley, a bit of creative art from The Boss and a Yosemite pond from The Bossess’s   iPhone.   
I couldn’t help feeling a bit odd about this but he assures me that some of it will definitely return to walls as soon as he has some which is not till the end of the month…Stay tuned I thought. 
Comments will be a bit sparse for the next 5 days as this carries on to its conclusion which I gratefully will not see as I am back to THC soon…Yippee!!!!!

Pawscript…There is a story going about that involves The Bossess’s sandals upstairs in her walk in wardrobe. 
While not denying I “walked in” the rest is…Errrr….Fake news?


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