Famous Footprints

Our neighbours think we’re crazy. They’ve seen us out with our cameras in all weathers taking all manner of strange subjects. Lying on the floor, standing on boxes, sitting on plant pots…….

But if they were in any kind of doubt about our sanity this morning will have distilled their thoughts. This is the scenario at approximately 8:30:

Garage door opens. Igor dressed in complete outdoor gear leaves the house and walks up the drive. He turns at the top, makes his way across the flower border and enters the house via the front door.

Someone (still wearing PJ’s) is hanging out of the shower room window above the path photographing the footprints on the drive.

Igor appears again at the garage door and makes his way up the drive once more. He’s being given direction from the upstairs window. “To the left, a bit more, make shorter strides…” etc.

Once more he makes his way through the flower bed to the front door while the person hanging out of the window takes more shots (I’m not saying who this person is and I’m hoping the neighbours don’t know either).

If you need to know why all this was happening head over to Igor’s blip. Maybe I should direct the neighbours over to Igor’s blip too so they’ll know we’re not ready for the home yet!! Those footsteps we were making could be famous one day.

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