The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

A Visit From The Beast

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Today was my second favourite day at work ever. My favourite day was about 17 years ago when the generator (and then the emergency generator) broke down at 11 am. We were told to leave the office but to stay close by in case it was fixed or there was a decision to head to the Disaster recovery site.

Staying close by obviously meant going to the pub. We headed to O’Neils and happily sat there all afternoon. Every now and then we would check that the office situation hadn’t changed, but it’s safe to say that by 4pm, we were fairly well p1shed. One of the guys headed back to the office to get his bag and some manager type demanded that he round up the troops and we would head to the DR site (which I think was in Fife). My colleague explained that his request was denied and he could gently place it in a shaded area with an absent of sunlight.

We ended up staying out until 2 am absolutely sozzled. It felt like Christmas because we spent most of our working day (and beyond) getting hammered in the pub and we were being paid to do it. I still smile at that memory.

Anyway, today everyone was turfed out at 1.30 pm as The Beast From The East had hit. All trains were being cancelled from 3 and the roads were getting worse. We were supposed to have a leaving night after work so everyone just started a bit earlier! The schools had also been closed so I went home first to check on the Mini Princesses and then went back into town. It ended up being a really good night. We finished up at 10 as there was a blizzard outside and most people wanted to make sure they could get home safely*.

Is it wrong that The Beast From The East sounds like someone I think would be a ‘right larf’ on a night out?


*Not me obviously. I wanted to go dancing!

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