
By Bom


For the last couple of months I have been encouraging the local Jay into my garden by providing monkey nuts in a feeder. First I put them in a quiet place which wasn't overlooked, then I moved them on to the main feeder. The Jay is very timid, so I've been so pleased to get it visit my garden most days, although it's been very frustrating as I haven't been able to get a photo of it as it visits for a nano-second. As I'm still unwell, I've had my blinds open today and my camera plus long lens in my lap so I could grab a blip opportunity if one appeared. I was very pleased to get evidence of it's visit this morning and was just about to post the collage in Extras when it landed on the lawn and stayed for a couple of seconds before taking another nut away. I'm dead chuffed I got the shot!!!

I had a surprise brief visit from G as driven by M, with a get well card, flowers, carrot cake, newspaper, pint of milk, cough sweets and tissues - what kind and thoughtful friends and a much needed pick me up! I hope I feel well enough to do anything tomorrow other than sleep and watch TV which is getting very tedious!!! 

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