Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Starting to drip.....

These icicles are on the cotoneaster outside the utility room. They were catching the yellowish light from an outside lamp. I've cheered them up a bit in Photoshop.

Someone commented that everything is rather grey. That is true, despite the huge quantities of snow everywhere. The sky was grey all day and the snow just peppered the place in a desultory sort of way.

I walked up to Lincoln Hill to see the snow drifts. They were recommended by two lots of people this morning, but they were covered in foot prints, so not suitable for a blip.

I've been editing photos. Daisy and Oscar have had another day in the wardrobe. Will they ever want to spend more time with us? We live in hope.

Off to cook a delicious lentil mush for tea.

I still think it is Friday today. Mum thinks it's Sunday, so between us we are rather confused!

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