
Today was the day to break out.  We started by trying the Cooriedog walk.  It was fine until we reached one of the very many drifts.  Cooriedog simply sand and she struggled to get back up.  It must have been like swimming through treacle for her.  I fared little better.  We turned back.
It took us the best part of an hour to dig the car out.  And then a trip to Biggar for weekend supplies.  The evidence of the sterling work of the snow clearers was clear; at times it felt like we were going through a deep ravine with steep sides of snow.  Bless the snow clearers!!
Goods in the supermarket were sparse but we got enough and I'll be making bread tomorrow.
Torran came round with his parents and while they did an art thing with Ellen, I was his playmate for the afternoon.  We had fun.

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