
i didn't really intend to use this one, it was just an interesting photo which i wholly expected not to have worked out...i think that it did but, for once it's more chosen for the story than the photo....

oddly enough they are sleeping it off outside an off license..where i was headed no less...and having left the canon at home i took a couple of photo's with the lumix....end of story...not really...what happened next was like some obscure outtake of rab c nesbit....

i was walking up to the bus stop when i passed them again and this time there was a woman, also pretty drunk trying to wake them up whilst holding a conversation with a cyclist, not sober, on the other side of the road..the old rasta guy was sitting up, the other guy still prone...realising that i had 15 minutes until my bus and would rather walk than stand i set off back towards them...the cyclist had arrived from across the road and was standing looking on,

"what the fuck are ye daein'?" he was asking loudly
"i'm trying to wake him up." she replied, equally loudly

i could now see her bending close to the prone guy and thought that, as you would, she was giving him a gentle shake to wake him up...as i walked closer i saw that what she was, in fact, doing was gently bouncing and rolling a full bottle of vodka six inched from his head.....i heard her mutter, "it's vodka, ye like a wee drink ae vodka..."

the image of her kneeling with her vodka bottle is going to follow me for a while i think...

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