I should have photographed this as soon as it was properly frozen yesterday, when the centre of the tulip was completely visible; I hadn't realised that the ice would turn cloudier the longer it was left in the freezer. If I'm rained off anything more interesting tomorrow, I'll do another one.
R and I went to Stratford for lunch today. The roads were clear enough for it to be quite safe to drive, but a mile-long stretch of the Roman Road had snowdrifts banked on both sides that were up to two metres high, and almost as deep - so I'm glad that I didn't venture out sooner. Later in the afternoon, as you can see in the extra, it pelted down with rain; I was quite a distance from the car, and got pretty wet, but consoled myself that at least I wasn't sitting on a bucket of bait, watching nothing pulling on my several fishing lines.
Each to their own.
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