Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee


Bills, bills and more bills :o( Isn't awful when you come home after being away to find your post is just all bills?!

I have spent a very stressful day trying to work out our council tax situation and find out why we've been passed onto a collection agency when we've always paid up! If you've ever tried to phone Edinburgh Council then you might appreciate what a task this is.... (apologies to anyone who works there - I'm sure you are all very busy and understaffed)

I have spent the whole day on the phone/sorting things out/paying things/going through last years files and receipts and am feeling quite depleted to say the least. I thought I'd gotten to the bottom of it all, then when my flatmate came home we found out she'd had an equally horrible letter passed on to her from her last flat about all this money she doesn't owe because its during the time she's been living here - and saying that there would be a warrant out for her arrest! They do like to put the fear of God in you, huh?!

We know its a huge mistake but it still makes scary reading and the red tape you have to wade through to get anything sorted is unbelievable. I think I'm going to be at it again all day tomorrow. *Sigh*

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