
By Transitoire


Still trying to catch up on the excesses of the week, so spent the morning watching French television. Conclusion: a lot of French television is very weird - no series or documentaries, and not much comedy as I've seen. Saying that I did watch 4 Mariages, 1 Lune de Miel which is definitely a copy of the show Four Weddings! Some interesting words learnt from it though...

In the afternoon met up with Claire for a bit of intensive shopping - obviously didn't buy anything. Still, absolutely lovely time. After this we met up with Becky, Laura, Kendra, Thomas and Lisa at Tour Solidor for a drink (Laura pictured!). After a cheeky snack from the Boulangerie, although Laura managed to split the group by dropping her pizza slice on the floor (half said 10 second rule, the others said streets are rather bacteriary - but common sense prevailed!) we went to the cinema. The film we watched was...weird. English film with French subtitles - Paperboy - genuinely unsure as to whether recommend the film or not! Can tell you we laughed, grimaced, hid our faces, got quite freaked out, embarrassed and giggly. Not necessarily a good thing, but do not want to ruin the film for you! Luckily, unlike Thomas and Becky, I didn't think the film was going to be a chick flick (it really isn't) due to the presence of Zac Efron.

Words I have learnt today:-
- Copeiux - generous
- Raffiné - refined
- Souvenir - memory
- J'en envie de hurler - I want to scream
- Rancoeurs - resentment
- Câlin - hug
- Dévouer - devoted
- Gifler - slap
- Rapprocher - to bring closer
- Puis-je prendre une photo de vous? Vous n'avez pas besoin de faire quelque chose! - May I take a photograph of you? You don't need to do anything!
- Doudoune - jacket

Very foggy when walking back from the tram station. Quite freaky really, I haven't seen fog like that since September when the sea mists were in. Not sure what to blame this fog on though...Caen is not next to the sea, unlike Southport!

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