Comfiest spot in the house...

Apparently. He turns up here most nights and is a pain to be honest. It doesn't make reading, or in tonight's case, doing my online grocery shop, any easier. What you can't hear us the pneumatic purring that is also going on!

Steady day of life sorting today. I finally have insurance renewals sorted out for both cars. Unfortunately one of them needs an MOT on Wednesday and of course it is the one parked outside Truro station for the week. Guess where I'm going tomorrow...

I also managed to spend a lovely hour or so at the park in the WARM sunshine with one of the other school mums putting the world to rights. Which was a bonus.

Now to evict that cat and get my shopping done!

Backblips for the weekend will follow eventually - they are on the camera and it is just a bit too much effort at the moment...

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