
By TBay

The Incident.

As some of you may we’ll know Spiders are not my favourite creature and I do not like any contact with the big black hairy variety under ANY circumstances.

Whilst preparing supper after lunch I was gently pottering in the kitchen with Lula sitting near my feet when I felt some movement on my head. Instinctively I brushed my head with some vigour only to discover that I had flicked a very large house spider onto Lulas back. Horrified I watched as the said spider crawled up her body whist Lula was trying to work out what was going on and what was tickling her.

I ran for a broom and when I returned seconds later the HUGE (did I mention the size before) spider was heading off across my kitchen floor with Lula nose following it. Broom in hand I wielded it bringing it down with a very heavy thump rendering the spider unconscious, um well dead actually. Now this is very brave of me as normally I require assistance in the dispatching of spiders. Urghhhh. I did NOT enjoy this experience!

Farming - Two out hauling compost.

VAT for me today, but it is all finished!

Mr Tbay had two meetings back to back today so he returned mid afternoon in time for a cup of tea and the tale of the Spider!

Little Miss managed to find a pot of Vaseline last night and used the whole pot firstly on her hair and then on her Peppa Pig! Mrs Tbay Jnr has now washed her hair three times and it is still well greased. Fairy liquid is the next idea to shift it!

Happy Days!!

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