Sleep is for wusses

Charley and Ben are both stars of today's show - you nearly got a snap of my latest piece of drawing I'm working on though, until Charley decided sleep was for wusses and joined us downstairs for the evening.

Ben's last day of being three years old today. He has been tired but lovely. He knew it was school today and had already made his mind up that that was ok, but I had to take him and pick him up. We were going to take chocolate for the kids but as it turned out there were TWO other birthday children giving out cake and sweets at the end so we arranged to give Bsn's out on Friday. On the way home we blew bubbles and chased them, right up until a couple of doors away at which point Ben told me to go away so he couldn't see me. I wasn't allowed in the house! He went and rang the doorbell and was let in, and I could see from the way the door slammed that it was he who shut the door. From my perch on the wall outside I heard a tantrum ensue over whether I was allowed in or not but when Steve let me in I heard Ben start crying that he wanted mummy, then crying even harder when Steve reminded him that he'd said I couldn't come in. He was shattered and hungry. Slumped in his chair, not responding to anything, sobbing, until I picked him up and hugged him. But magic mummy milk and a piece of bread gave him wings and he spent the rest of the evening crazy!

Charley has had some special daddy-Charley playtime this afternoon which Steve has loved as well :) He is now obsessed with trying to walk. His brain has got it, and appears to be bullying his body into complying!! It was funny watching him launch himself away from the sofa yesterday before collapsing, but today he has been taking very deliberate steps, 4 or 5 in a row - and repeatedly. As well as still trying to climb up the chimney.

Of course all this developmental leaping has had a knock-on effect on other areas including sleep. I left him asleep in bed, came down and did some clearing up, heard a noise, Steve leapt up the stairs to find Charley heading past the bathroom on his way to the stairs to come find us. First time he's actually climbed out of bed at night to come look for us. So we've just enjoyed his company through an evening debrief meeting for Source, followed by some manic playtime in the boys' room, and he's finally FINALLY crashed out again.

I've backblipped Saturday's birthday party and yesterday's chimney investigating adventures!

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