A turnip for the books...

Monday. New week. Wonders will never cease, a full turn out of staff ( one got his car bellied parking up the drive though !)
Mrs F and kiddiewinks all packed off to work/ school too so nearly back to normal.
Puncture repair lads managed out and after hauling their van in with a tractor , they soon had tyres full of air again.
Arthur from Hamilton Tractors got the McCormick mobile again so back to full force again ( fingers crossed )
A 29 ton load of turnips wanted to be delivered but not a hope of getting an artic anywhere near here so thankfully my friendly neighbouring contractor let them tip in his yard and we will haul them home with tractors and trailers. A lot of extra handling, but no option.
Still thawing tonight but what a mess everywhere is . Still a yellow snow warning for tonight( not the Frank Zappa kind either ! ) , hope they are wrong !

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