dik dik

By dikdik

Bread + A New Way

I noticed that I've been trailing off in my daily photos. I think its because if I was trying to use this website as a way to force me to take a photo a day, as a way to get my to take my camera with me more.

I definitely succeeded in that goal, and I take my camera with me most places. But then I started caring a lot about how "good" my photos were; if I didn't see anything "good" to take a picture of, I came back photoless for the day.

This photo isn't very good in my opinion, but it represents a new form of blipping for me, to take a picture a day, even if its not artistically "good", and to write a little something about my day. Its a visual public journal of sorts I guess....

Today was pretty good, classes were interesting, environmental studies is incredibly interesting and depressing, and in philosophy and environment a comparison was made between Jack Bauer of 24 and Utilitarianism.

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