The Life of Lauren

By laurgurl326


Meet Jimmy. I like him because he's the only straight guy I know that I can sing showtunes with. He also is always eager to go with me to movies like "Sex and the City." If fortune swings his way, maybe someday you'll see him on the stage or screen.

I had a lot of reject photos from today...but wouldn't you luck was nowhere to be found. I sorted and edited them on a computer which was reformatted between when I did it 4 hours ago and now. Needless to say I was pretty stressed out. I don't know when I will get the chance to edit them now, which is a little frustrating especially since a lot of the shots were better than this one. But I'm flexible, and at least am satisfied that I actually clicked the shutter today. It's been too long.

I added some new rejects a day later:
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