Farleton Knott

Remember the fire grate that has been outside the back door forever? (Come on, it was only a week ago.) Well, I decided that I'd take it to the tip, today, along with the more recently demised grate. 

Abi was at a sleepover, last night, so I picked her up on the way and initially I thought she might be unaffected by her late night but it rapidly became apparent that she was in need of some sleep. Consequently, I abandoned my plans for lunch and headed home once we were done at the tip. 

I stopped on the way to take this photo of Farleton Knott. If you've ever driven passed junction 36 on the M6, you'll have seen this beauty off to the east. This year, I'm determined to run to the top from Hutton Roof (if I can find someone to show me the way!).

-13 kgs (a 4 kg swing!)
0 words
Reading: 'Lincoln In The Bardo'

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