The second half of life..

By twigs


After dropping G at the airport early this morning (no mean mission given the late night/early morning we'd had!) I went home briefly to put some washing on then headed to an appointment in town. The appointment was over quite quickly so I figured a drink and a coffee in town was in order.

The thing with outdoor cafes is you're never alone - there's always a host of wildlife ready and willing to feed off the crumbs!

This wee chap/ess seemed pretty curious though the table manners left a little to be desired! Still, s/he was nice company for a few fleeting moments.

This evening a distant relative, A, from the UK arrived and is staying for a wee while (A's grandmother and my grandfather were brother and sister..........we can't quite figure out what that makes us.....?!?!). Not sure how long yet but I guess things will reveal themselves in the course of time.

I really do need an early night tonight though so I hope A doesn't think I'm being rude if I head away early to catch up on missed sleep....... After all the talking last night I feel both physically and emotionally shattered........sleep should help.

At times like this life as a sparrow has a certain appeal!

PS see yesterday's late posted blip here

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