
Today flew in and i've no idea where all the time went, it's a total blur.

Mrs P has been running round getting things ready for the olds getting back home on Wednesday and we were back up at their house this evening putting up new curtains, putting new linnen on the bed, general DIY etc. Had some time to spare between finishing there and picking up PP from Scouts, so headed across to Fife to attempt some long exposures. Waste of time, they all looked rubbish, so heres a blurry one I deliberately took as a backup just incase. Seems appropriate.

Got home to find out from #1 Son that Aunts care home had called, she had another fall this evening but is ok. Arghh, hopefully that doesn't stop her getting home. They both want to be back home together in their own home rather than a care home and it's a tough one as we would all prefer they were together in a care home, especially if they are both having 'episodes' now. We'll just have to go through the motions, make their home as safe and comfortable as we can and if they keep having falls then will be forced into a tough discussion with them about selling up and moving to sheltered housing or care home together.


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