View With A Room

The bedroom part of my temporary quarters.  I sleep on the bed, Jay sleeps on the couch, but it's a very wide couch.  He didn't want any blankets, so that suited me just fine.

During the day, we went to a place called Antipolo and looked at a house that has been for sale for quite a number of years now.  It's a cutey place, but too cutey, Jay said.  Of course, he was very polite and just said that he'd think about it.  Jay wants a cozy place with M, preferably outside Manila, and this was one of those houses that his part-time driver knew about.  Jay thought he'd take advantage of the fact that this driver was going to service him today.  The traffic was awful going there, so we didn't have any more time to look at anything else, and by this time I was really feeling some frustration.  I want Jay out of his apartment before I leave.

After Antipolo, we went to a shopping mall in Cainta (3 syllables), close to where M lives.  Jay told the driver he was free to go.  M was going to join us, which she did, after an hour.  We had a very, very late lunch, and after that there was no more time to look further, so we drove off to Club Filipino in San Juan, for dinner.  Jay had invited quite a number of folks, some of whom I was going to meet for the first time.  By the time we arrived, half of the company had already settled at the table and had ordered.  Jay, though, had a bad tummy and soiled his shirt, so he and M had to hot-foot it to Avalon so he could shower.  I opted to face the guests.  After about an hour, J and M returned, and he looked really happy to see everyone.  I met my godson's boyfriend, V's sister and her husband, and cousin JM with his wife T and two of their kids, for the first time.  Everyone was talking.  Sat beside cousin B's wife MF (B himself was not invited, naturally) and with V seated opposite us, it was one long chat.  At the end of the evening, believe it or not, Jay had found his apartment -- JM had an extra unit at the Eastwood suburb, and offered it for Jay's use.  The move tomorrow will push through after all.

Suffice it to say that we closed the club.  When we got back to my place, I checked in right away for my flight tomorrow evening, then tried to have my usual late-night chat with hubby through Messenger, but he was unusually quiet.  He has a bad tummy, he said.  I'm wondering now if there's anything wrong.  I hope not.  In about 42 hours, I will find out.

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