Well we'd have gone swimming but CyclopsJnr's eye is still a bit gross. 

So after nursery we took a big trip out to Dynamic Earth.

It was good in that it amicably passed the afternoon and we were out from 12 til 5, but CyclopsJnr didn't like it. Much of the exhibit was a series of immersive films starting with the big bang, and finishing with a planetarium style film about asteroids. And each film was followed by another and another and not really designed for skipping past. There wasn't much else in the exhibit, not much to touch. And the in between bits had a lot of noise to mimic, say, a rainforest. He just found it all scary. 

CyclopsJnr did like the cafe (twice), the gift shop (binoculars, £1.99), part of the exhibit where you could touch an iceberg, and the soft play.

For some reason the soft play was very dark with UV lights and a loud background soundtrack of underwater and submarine sounds. Not a relaxing experience for accompanying adults...

It was OK. I'm sure we'll go again when CyclopsJnr is bigger.

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