
By Mindseye

Surprise visitor

Another good nights sleep.
Sunshine streaming in always helps with waking up,

Hub and I walked into town, his knee hasn't been too bad this last couple of days. I dropped off a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt hoody to be altered.
One of the downsides of being short!  We headed into Reds for coffee and lunch, we both had what is fast becoming our usuals, Club Sandwich for hub, tuna and cheese panini for me.  The traffic in town was all snarled up, all because the council were replacing two kerb stones, which necessitated four way traffic lights at the major junction, just so the workmen had the metre or so between them and the vehicles, Healthy & Safety gone mad.

As we were walking home, hubs phone rang, it was middle sons wife asking where we were .....they had called at ours as they had been visiting an old friend from when son used to live at home.....so they decided to pop in for half an hour before having to dash off back to Congleton to collect Olivia from school.  Its been quite a while since Isabella was at our house, as we tend to visit them, so she was running around looking in all the rooms. She sat up on the café stool at the island in the kitchen, eating her biscuit, she pinched granddads last banana and then had a little sulk when it was time to go as she didn't want to leave.  We are visiting then on Friday as son is on holiday this week.

Todays blip is Isabella playing on the stones, on her way to the car, anything to delay leaving just a little bit longer.

Hub and I spent the rest of the afternoon in the garden.....it was quite pleasant especially when the sun was out. I planted up a new tub for beside the front door, hub had planted up the window boxes yesterday under the kitchen windows, I top dressed the rhoddis in their tubs, hub cut back one of the honeysuckles, I cut back the frost blackened plants that spill over the low walls, planted up some white hyacinths, and some primulas.......all in all a good 3 hours graft.

Gammon, egg and peas for dinner......nice and easy.

Spent the evening editing photos that I took yesterday of Kobi practising his standing in readiness for Crufts tomorrow, good luck sis!!

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