All the weather today: glorious sunshine, howling winds, thundering downpours. (And my intrepid neighbours on the roof throughout - they are still all alive, phew.)
Managed lots of work today, and even some gardening. CarbBoy chummed me along to the tip and held the bags open while I loaded up with compost. Then that was distributed around the bases of the grateful trees that I weeded yesterday (that blip will be arriving in due course). Some path maintenance, some planting and quite a lot of wandering around keeping track of where everything is up to. These almond flowers are resolutely refusing to come out until they are sure it's safe...
CarbBoy made some Big Decisions about his bedroom, most of which involve me either getting covered in dust in the attic, or getting covered in paint somewhere else.
Later, a long chat with Mr B probably didn't resolve any of his issues, but resolved a rumbling issue for me which now results in me being up to my elbows in website design (that's not as easy as some people make it look).
Foot still attached to leg and not looking gangrenous. So all good.
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