Snow Family

The Beast from the East (otherwise known as a bit of cold weather coming from Siberia) is causing chaos all over the country. 
Well not really in Buckinghamshire. This is as much snow as we woke up to this morning!
Undeterred by the lack of snow Miss L headed out to create some snow art on the driveway. The main picture is her and Miss E, and she wrote our names and Love and hearts and kisses. Very sweet!!
She also drew a massive picture of my face right behind my car so I had to run over myself on the way out!
Mrs L came over after drop off and we went over to Milton Keynes for some more eBay purchases and lunch in M&S cafe. I had the chicken, mushroom and rice soup which I had yesterday at the JR. I may be a little addicted to it!
When we came out after lunch the temperature had plummeted by about fifty degrees and the wind was a howling bitter gale.
Maybe the Beast was on its way after all!
Miss E was feeling generally nondescriptly poorly this morning. I said she should go to school and would hopefully feel better but if not I'd go and get her.
Before lunch I had a call from her school to say that she was feeling unwell and asking what did I want to do. 
I said I was an hour away and to see if she could struggle on.
I drove home - past the school, said goodbye to Mrs L, made myself a cup of tea and had just sat down to drink it when the phone rang and it was school asking could I go and get her.
So back I went to get her and then packed her off to bed with a dose of Calpol.
I left her in bed while I went to get Miss L from school later on and I completely forgot about Miss L's swimming so it was a quiet evening.
Miss E perked up a bit later so hopefully she'll be better tomorrow for World Book Day.

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