Seen the Boys on the Make and on the Bum

Revised 30rd day Challenge

Day Two - what I wore

When I met himself this is indeed what he wore... all the nice gals love a sailor and this one was no exception.

I remember standing at Rosyth on the Quay side watching the ship come back to dock after seven months away - the crew standing to attention on the deck...

I scoured and scoured the deck, looking for my Sailor amongst the 200 in front of me and in uniform, caps on, they all looked the same; until the captain gave the ‘at ease’ and all but one rested their pose.

He was obviously overcome to see me standing there, nervously unplaiting the docking ropes ; and he never heard the command.

But that was fine! He had been away longer than we had even been together - I needed a clue as to which one it was



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