Just a Sip

I'd just flounced down in Delice Deli yesterday morning when I spotted this lady sipping her elevenses. It was the framing, the hat and the gilet that caught my eye. Plus the care she was taking to drink her coffee. 

I had a good breakfast. Thereafter the day deteriorated. No material stall on the market, which was why I'd gone into Loughborough. Bus was delayed so I only got home just in time to speak to Harry and Martin about the pond, which they'd come to clean.

Exhausted, I fell asleep on the settee. Tried to buy postage off MyHermes to send prints off to RPS DiG, but foiled at the last stage when the payment page online wouldn't open. So no print entries from me this year.

But there was a bright spot. BBC Springwatch will be using one of my frog photos in their social media outreach.

Went to bed early.

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