End of an era

The old pierhead garage better known as Ronnie's has finally shut its doors. Ronnie & his son have moved premises to across the road and chances are the dolts in charge of Scottish/British canals will level this old building as they have no imagination. At the moment at Cairnbaan you can't walk alongside the canal due to stupid safety barriers covering crumbling canal wall banks. What would old Thomas Telford have thoughts of these clowns who still haven't repaired the old Dunardy bridge which is unique to the Crinan canal!! The stones under the Ardrishaig swivel bridge are crumbling and nothing is being done so much so that I hear the Cooncil have become involved! What is the point of theses incompetent quangos who couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery! All they do is cost us a shedload of money to employ overpaid chiefs while the Indians are thin on the ground and unable to do any decent maintenance!  You need more than a fancy web page to maintain a canal!

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