Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

I can see clearly now

Well not really. I got the all clear which is in some ways more important. The blurring and flashing will pass, apparently I have a big floater that has come away from the vitreous humour and is in the proces of breaking down.

Can’t say I enjoyed the trip to outpatients, it bought back too many memories. That’s the trouble with hospitals, they are full of sickness and death and after thirty years you realise you’ve been going there too often for all the wrong reasons. I still don’t get why we make them such grim and clinical environments, surely they should be full of warmth and bright colours, healing music, and soft interiors. Quote:

‘There is one simple guideline to follow in creating a healing environment: look for ways to reduce stress in the environment. This is based on research from the field of psychoneuroimmunology that shows how emotional stress impacts our bodies in multiple ways. It does this because our brain and our nervous, endocrine, and immune systems are constantly interacting. An impact on one system reverberates throughout the others.“ (university of Minnesota: taking charge of your health and well-being"). But then medicine is full of counter intuitive influences.

Anyway TGI Friday. I am now in the amazingly healing environment of my own home, with TSM, Puccini, cats and warm colours...

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