Blind or what?

I had a couple of packages to send today and needed to get a couple of Jiffy bags. I went to Arteegeedee's favourite store in Wellington (B & S) and bought what I thought was a couple.
Now whilst there I had a call from a friend who was catching up and letting me know how her pre op assessment for her cataract op went. It transpires that she has immediately had her driving licence removed for a fortnight and as she effectively drives for a living this is a bit of a problem but luckily her GP has signed her off work - phew. They have moved the op forward to Saturday week as she apparently is so bad!
When I got back and started doing my parcels I realised that I had in fact bought 6 Jiffy bags! Now how did I miss that big 3 on the begs the question............should I still be driving........?

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