Jimmy, Finn, Yasmin and I

By Caronie

Play date

Today we went to nursery and did a 'stay and play' session. We joined in with the other babies in the room Finlay will be joining in the new year. He seemed quite happy and enjoyed the black and white corner with the sparkly lights as well as watching the other babies play and get messy with sand and paint. Afterwards it was a quick whizz around the shops before returning home for more play. We got giggles while playing peekaboo today, so sweet. Finn fits much better in his jumperoo now and is getting more boisterous as he bounces too. He kept reaching for the penguin and managed to get it in his mouth for a good soaking. When Jimmy came home we played with blocks and he loved knocking them over for daddy to stack them up again. So much fun in one day! Needless to say it was all too much come bedtime but he is fast asleep now. Night night Pip xxx

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