From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Spiritual Music?

I always have the radio burbling away in the background when I am working from home. I'm a bit peculiar when it comes to radio stations. Much as I love music, when working from home I prefer to listen to general chit chat and local news. For me, music is either so bad it ruins my concentration (and temper) or it's so good it also ruins my concentration and I am tapping along to the music and am carried away to a happy place but I get nothing done!

This morning, Pete Morgan asked people to text in what music they would like at their own funeral following a big rise in the number of people choosing non hymn type music. I sent in a message to say 'Fire' by the Crazy World of Arthur Brown. I particularly like that bit where it goes wild in the middle and he yells 'You're gonna burn!'

Anyway, I got a phone call a bit later so I could chat to Pete on the radio. This happens from time to time. The time before it was favourite Bond film tracks and before that it was something about Mrs Brown's Boys. I told Pete that my Dad hadn't specified what music he'd wanted so he was stuck with my safe selection of respectable Glen Campbell but I wanted everyone to know what my choice was. I'm glad he didn't ask me where I wanted to be sprinkled! That's one thing I haven't thought about. Anyway we haven't sprinkled Dad yet. He is still on the mantlepiece in Ayr forced to watch loads of Hammer horror films now Mom knows how to play them.

You'll be pleased to know I'm not going to play my funeral music. I've played it before anyway when I nearly set the carpet alight by accident on Father's Day.

Here's a cracking radio track instead!

Rush - The Spirit of Radio

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