Nuthatch Delight
Early this morning, I made plans to pick up my bestie and take her to the woods with me. We have been sisters by choice for 20 years now and yet she has never come with me before. Within minutes she had a female Downy and a male Hairy eating out of her hand. Then the nuthatches arrived...I counted 5 at one time. Their call is so distinctive and makes me smile. For that reason alone, the White-Breasted Nuthatch earns main blip. It is a little dark and I suppose I should have brightened it but chose to go with the darkness of the woods instead. In extra, I have put the little Downy in being picky over the banquet table!
We saw many turkeys though none were displaying yet. Many deer. In fact, I showed her where the deer's 'sanctuary' is (where they bed down en masse) and they were still there so after shooting a quick video we retreated to leave them alone. Along the path, we ran into four more deer who were more than happy to come and greet us until they heard some youngsters coming from the other direction!
A great outing...lots of chatting was done :) All Saturday mornings should be spent like that! Hope you all had a good one as well!
D x
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