Nothing too sociotechnical

So, awoke still wowed by the night before. And, after the SK had departed to do whatever it is she does, I was left to relax into the day. A coffee then a river boat up to Westminster where I strolled about like a tourist before shuftying round some galleries at Tate Britain. It’s like an immersive history thing, never mind all that art bollocks.
A spot of lunch and a good read of the paper before heading to The Photographers’ Gallery. Nothing too thrilling but enjoyed one of the Deutsche Börse Prize nominations - something incredibly pretentious focusing on the "applied sociotechnical systems of governmental control and the ideological manipulations of belief and consciousness" (in Belarus, Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Poland)! I cut and pasted that. But, yeah.
A pot of tea and the purchase of a book after that before moving on to the King Charles I near Kings Cross - a great community buy-out pub with a cracking jukebox. And the SK eventually arrived, as did F&H! 
So, a packed 18:30pm north, trying to avoid looking at the football. Who cares about that rubbish.

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