Matts Photo Journal

By photomatt

A Trusting But Watchful Eye

I think that the squirrels that have been hanging around in the front yard are getting used to me taking their pictures. For this picture, I decided to lay down in the front lawn about 20 feet from where the squirrels usually hang out. I then inched closer and closer until I was about 10 feet away. At one point two squirrels were staring at me from the tree probably wondering what the hell I was doing. Then one came down and got in this position and stayed there for about a minute. Larger View...

I went to work today for about 5 hours and then returned home early because this cold is kicking my butt. Slept off an on for about 3 hours. I'm hoping that a shot of Nyquil and a good nights rest will get me back in shape for Wednesday.

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