Bits and Bobs and a Sausage Dog

A busy few days at work with not much time to do much other than that.  Combined with the damp and grey weather, it's not been inspiring weather for photography.  So, my apologies for my lack of blips.

On a more positive note, I've been doing some online research into cycles, in anticipation of replacing my 25 year old Raleigh cycle.  Today I decided I needed to get out and view some bikes 'in person', so Andy and I planned a little tour of cycle shops.  I ended up ordering a Whyte hybrid cycle - good for riding on roads but also on off road trails.  I'm especially pleased with it as it is a British company who design the bikes.  I imagine it will be a week or two before I get the bike as I want to have some mud guards and a pannier carrier added to it once it arrives in the shop.  

Other than that, I did some more knitting to try to finish my green scarf (the one I blipped last week).  I am getting there but its taking me a while!  And, we visited Andy's Mum who is still in hospital.  She is very weak and demoralised and not wanting to eat or drink.  I am sure that if she were in a more restorative environment she would brighten up and become more positive and stronger.  It is so frustrating.  This little 'sausage dog' is on a card I bought Andy a few weeks back!  

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