
By Murmuration

Where's Jim?

Fellow blippers. If I can offer you one piece of advice it is this. If your 18 year old son asks if he can invite some friends to the house for a birthday party, no matter how much he pleads and what assurances he makes about the impeccable nature of his friends - DON'T LET HIM!!!!
You will return to some kind of bacchanalian rabble the like of which you have never seen before, alcohol flowing like water and otherwise model school pupils transformed into vomiting wrecks. You know to be afraid when you arrive back at the house to hear someone saying ' OMG, his mum's back, where's JIM?' and there he is, in the fold down bed (although to be fair he was the most sober and well behaved of the party goers)
Flash forward to the following day and son's first words when emerging from his room are 'Im never having a party again.' Amen to that!
Now, where did I put the contact number for the carpet cleaner...

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