
By Bigdreamer

Little Miss

Miss Lara has had me quite worried, she has been getting bad stomach pains where she screams uncontrollably. I have been to two different doctors in two days, and both say there is nothing wrong. How come then that my little girl is screaming in pain. It does come and go so I am at a total loss. I think I will have to take her to hospital and have scans done, just so I can rest that there is nothing major wrong.

My other theory is that it is for attention, and is purely in her head. Lara is king of the tantrums and it is very hard to tell if there is real pain there or her acting out.

I have to collect bodily samples for the doctors. I will have to see if that comes back clean.

After 1 hour of screaming non stop here she is after the storm passed. totally happy playing in my high heels. flash forward to 16 year old version... boy am I in trouble

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