
By Stuart9613


Delivering to Birmingham this morning.When I got home the ministry plant inspector was having a look around and we renewed our plant passport.He was happy with our record keeping and the plants on the nursery and very interested in our approach to IPM (Integrated pest management) and the bio we are using to replace the use of chemicals.

Pictured are some of the cuttings we have had delivered in today.At one point we blocked the lane while we unloaded.
No one has any patience today and one rather common woman using language un-beffiting a lady (which she was not and never will be) became a bit upset.At one time this would have concerned me but now I really couldn't care less.The world seems so full of horrible people.Alan Clark once famously said we face a rising tide of scum and it seems he was right.

Tam Lin (Child 39) I like this.

Rain this morning.A sunny afternoon but the air still feels cold.

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