The Tiny Tuesday theme is "  up close ".  So I got up close to some of the fruit I ate today. Thanks to dbifulco for hosting the challenge.

Had to post a letter before mid-day so I walked down to the village.  Then I got the bus to the Metrocentre.  Then another bus to Asda.  Haven't been there for ages so I had a good look around.  Got a pair of jeans and some food shopping.  I was back home by 3.30pm.

I won a £25 Amazon voucher last week and I used it as part payment for a new bird table which arrived today.  It came in two pieces which were easy to fit together.  Put it out in the garden - and added some meal worms as a tempting treat.  Hopefully the birds will be attracted to them tomorrow morning. ( I hate the smell and look of meal worms - but I know the birds love them )

Steps today - 10,164

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