What every Minister needs

We had the pleasure of welcoming the Minster for Childcare and Early Years to our offices today - Maree Todd MSP. This was the first of a series of regular quarterly meetings and Maree came to the offices not just to meet some of the staff and senior team but also some of our volunteer leaders - the Area Conveners. We were having an induction session for our newest Conveners and an opportunity to discuss with others who have been in the role for a while.

Before the senior team settled down to discuss the opportunities and challenges for CHS reference was made to a recent tweet from the Minister @MareeToddMSP about a present she had received. She produced the unicorn rainbow tape dispenser from her bag to show how much she valued her nephew’s gift.

And then it was down to business.

After that and discussions with the Area Conveners I headed “home” and just after 2 started the drive to Reading, dropping the dog off at Lancaster where we picked up our daughter to head south for a family funeral.

For once the roads flowed freely and 8 hours (7 hours 15 minutes driving time) after we set off we arrived at my brother’s house. He and his wife are in the Antipodes so we will not see them. But great to have their home comforts!!

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