Capital adventures

By marchmont

Sleep day

My back - agony during the night. The walking plus the horribly unsupportive angled back seat of the Hyundai took their toll. It took freeze gel, 3 ibuprofen and a self massage on the floor to relieve it enough for me to sleep at 3.30. I did sleep though as I didn't hear #2 son leave before 7.30.

However, it was a restful day. Amelia slept 5 hours in the morning. Then we went to the pool and the weather lied, it didn't storm.

Another sleep then another party, to say goodbye to Wen Shan and Kai who go back to Taiwan early tomorrow. It was in La Juciera, healthy food. I compensated with a beer when we got home. Olivia stayed over at Popo's. Watched last episode of 'Collateral and Amelia reluctant to go to be, but the party's over!

We're swapping children tomorrow. I get the grumpy one.

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