Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2018 Sunday — Piles and Piles of Paper

Today the removal of clutter started at Grammie Fun’s House. Mr. Fun’s mom & dad received a large inheritance when Mr. Fun’s Grandma died back in January 1955. So they bought property and built the house in 1955/56 and then moved in. That’s 60+ years of living collected in one house.

The formal dining room table was piled high. It took me two-plus hours to go piece-by-piece sorting and tossing; there was eight years of paper; some important documents and some just plain trash.

As I decreased the pile, slowly I started to realize that Grammie Fun gave-up living years ago. Her husband died in 2007 and Mr. Fun’s younger brother died in 2010. Sometime after that she must have just given-up; she just quite taking care of stuff.

This clean-up job is going to be overwhelming, but getting all her personal documents out of the house is a must so we can let the estate company do their work to have a sale.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka

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