Black Bird Singing...

...In the dead of night. My favourite Beatles song, sung by my least favourite beatle! Just to be clear I hate the song Hey Jude and people shortening my name to Jude. I also hate when people ask your name they then ask what you like to be called - surely if I wanted to be called something else I would have given them that name?! Anyway - I've gone off on a tangent! 
This is the first year I have had a blackbird in my garden and I adore him! he likes to pick up all the seeds the sparrows have thrown down into my pots and happily hops in and out from one pot to another. That will save me pulling sprouted seeds from the pots! 
The day went ok - bird watching is very relaxing and entertaining! I decided to change my morning routine on the days I don't have to go let the hens out. I wake and immediately question how I feel and if I'm going to be anxious. So I created a new affirmation for myself to dispell this damaging morning mindset and found a morning yoga and meditation exercise. No turning on the computer and getting sucked into the news and blip. 
I did look up the meaning to the lyrics of the song - seems McCartney has said it's about the Black Civil Rights in America. I like to think of it as a song of healing and freedom. 

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