I Have Fallen Off The Wagon

Chain me up - or just stick me in an undersized child's swing
You can try to camouflage them, but if there is a nice looking feather lying about I will fall into my old bad habits and photograph it.

I got a small piece of clematis stem stuck on my jacket as I arrived home.
It was quite an interesting shape so I took it upstairs and took a few shots from different angles .... Have a look from here.

I was working at the lathe in the afternoon when SWMBO appeared with a brochure ....... and 3 pikeys.
They were looking to clean to roof of the house and the garage (which really did need it (having had nothing done in nearly 30 years).
So I shut the garage door and entered into negotiations.
Okay, I am sure I ended up with a price which is higher than if I had hunted down a reputable  roofing company - but they were there and I am terrible at putting things like that off.
I also had them clean the front of the garage roof to see how well they did it ..... before agreeing to take them on.
They did well, so they got the job.
While they were doing the work, I sneaked pictures of them and took the van registration number.
So if the milk churn (or anything else)  which one of the guys tried buying for a pittece goes walkabout then I have a starting point for the local boys in blue.
Of course there were a few 'extras' that they wanted me to pay for ....... failed on all counts.
Give them their due though, they cleaned the patio (and next doors as best they could over the fence) of all the moss and mud and well as hosing down the windows and walls.

No camera club for me tonight as I was at the AGM of the Craft Association. 

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