A Spot of Colour

I had a trek across Bruntsfield Links this morning, laughing in the face of the Beast from the East’s younger brother, to visit the Practice nurse, her blood letting needle and new mechanical sphygmomanometer. The latter produced a result which she didn’t like so she went back to the manual one which gave a much more acceptable reading. That’s a bit of a cheat like moving the bathroom scales around the floor to get the lowest possible weight reading. Anyone who says they haven’t done that is probably lying.

This garden en route with its perennial Christmas Tree and pretty lady scarecrow added a bit of colour to the greyness of the day.

His Lordship joined me for a coffee before we bussed to Princes Street where we were again confronted by the mother of all freezing east winds as we sought to fill the larder.
All we need now is for the other Beast in the East to restrict our gas supplies in retaliation for dismissed embassy staff and accusations, and we will have hypothermia.

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