Drumadoon Bay

Today's the day ........................... for golf and graveyards

We're on the Isle of Arran for a few days with brother Ron and Margaret - and apart from just enjoying ourselves in their company, there are a couple of reasons for choosing to come here specifically.

You may remember that they are the keen golfers who are on a mission to play the 250-odd 'links' golf courses of the world?  Well one of them is at Shiskine - the grassy promontory across the bay on the left-hand side of this picture.  It's unusual in that it is a 12-hole course - according to the locals, the only one in the world.  So that will be a an extra tick on the 'Courses Played' tally.

The other reason that Arran is a special place for Margaret is that it is where her 3 x great grandfather came to in the early 1800s, got married and set up home.  He was the start of several generations of ancestors on her father's side who lived and worked on the island.  She has done lots of family history research and she wanted to find the graveyards where she knew that some of them had been buried.

And we did too.  It's always very exciting to find written evidence to back up your research - and to realise that your great-great-great grandparents must have walked the same path that you just have.  The extra was taken near the farmstead where they lived.  You can see which way the wind generally blows - probably for many generations too ........................! 

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