
By PlanW

Inner City Blues

We're getting there with the painting.  Our lovely painter, Chris, likes a short day.  He's not going to die of over work, that's for sure.  It's all good though, I'm beginning to see his point of view.  He does half days, tops.  Also, he's Irish and all I can hear is Mr O'Reilly from Fawlty Towers.  ''Lick'o'paint, Lick'o'paint".  

Anyway, here's the staircase.  That's a statement eh?  

That green carpet is something special.  It's the original carpet from when the house was built in 1969.  Technically, it's vintage.  Or mid-century modern.  Regardless of that, it's dreadful!   It'll be gone in a week.  

In other news, Gary's gone skiing.  I had to cancel mine (note to self, get finger out of yer erse and claim it back) but I was determined he wasn't going to miss his.  It's his favourite thing and he's got his work cut out in the next two weeks while I lie prone. making demands for items such as bread poultices, hourly creme brulee and flamingoes.  Meanwhile, while he's away, I'm so looking forward to a week of solitude, remote control  control and living like a student.  

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