One more day to go...
...until half term.
Tomorrow the children can dress up in their Hallowe'en's not Hallowe'en yet!!! The 31st is next week, dressing up on the 25th is just not right, but hey my opinion counts for nothing and they have to pay, so money always comes out on top! Anyway that's my rant over.
It was art all afternoon with Prep 2, Oh deep joy,when we had cleared all the paint away and washed paints and brushes, we sat down and developed a spooky story. We took it in turns to relate the scary tale of a boy who met zombies and vampires and monsters. One lad carried on our tale....."Lenny went..." he said. "Lenny? Who is Lenny?" "I don't know," he said. He looked at me as if I'm mad and carried on. "Lenny went..." I realised what he meant ..Then he went. Lenny!!! Oh dear.
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